5 Books for a Permanent CREATIVITY BOOST
Inspiration Riley Smith Inspiration Riley Smith

5 Books for a Permanent CREATIVITY BOOST

Do you feel your motivation has run dry? Tired of inspiration failing to visit you?

If you read these Top 5 Inspiring Books, you’ll be gifting yourself a PERMANENT, life-long creativity boost.

Grab any of the books and get started on your journey to a happier, more creative you!

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GUEST POST! Fuel Your Creativity: Tips to Boost Innovation and Achieve Success
Inspiration Riley Smith Inspiration Riley Smith

GUEST POST! Fuel Your Creativity: Tips to Boost Innovation and Achieve Success

Creativity is a powerful tool for driving both personal and professional success, yet it’s easy to feel stuck in a rut or uninspired over time. Finding ways to reinvigorate your creative energy can transform your approach and outcomes.

This article explores actionable strategies to reignite your creativity and bring fresh perspectives to every aspect of your life.

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How to be funnier
Comedy Riley Smith Comedy Riley Smith

How to be funnier

I have been performing, writing, and teaching comedy for about fifteen years. In that time, I have discovered a few simple habits that, by cultivating them in myself, have made me generally funnier.

The awesome thing is, you can do these, too! I am positive they will work for anybody, which is not true of most advice on the internet. Most advice doesn’t work at all!

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How to end a comedy sketch
Comedy Riley Smith Comedy Riley Smith

How to end a comedy sketch

Like all good things, every piece of sketch comedy must come to an end. Unfortunately, this is usually the hardest thing to do well.

How do you do it?

There are three simple ways to end a sketch. These are tried-and-true ways to easily end a sketch in a way your audience will love.

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Stand-up, Improv, and Sketch Comedy: What’s the Difference?
Comedy Riley Smith Comedy Riley Smith

Stand-up, Improv, and Sketch Comedy: What’s the Difference?

There are clear-cut differences between the three forms, and yet most comedians will try them all. This is because the fundamental principles of humor are at work in all three.

Yet, most comedians you talk to will probably have a favorite. This is because each style of comedy works out slightly different skills and generally appeals to different personality types.

Let’s explore what makes these three forms of comedy different.

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Is ghostwriting a good gig?
Writing, Career Riley Smith Writing, Career Riley Smith

Is ghostwriting a good gig?

When I started as a freelancer, ghostwriting was a significant part of my income. I don’t do it anymore, but the contracts I did take built my confidence, stamina, and savings account.

Ghostwriting isn’t for everyone, but it might be a good option for you as you start your freelancing or writing career.

Let’s explore the pros and cons of being paid to write so someone else can take the credit.

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The Comedy Credibility Problem
Comedy Riley Smith Comedy Riley Smith

The Comedy Credibility Problem

Guest post from writer & producer Aaron Garrett.

Comedy? That is not meant for something so important.

This opinion lays bare an idea which for the purposes of catchy titles I’m going to call the Comedy Credibility Problem.

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how to deal with negative comments online
Career, Productivity Riley Smith Career, Productivity Riley Smith

how to deal with negative comments online

The unfortunate fact is that if you are going to make stuff and share it online, some people are going to be jerks about it.

Given this truth, I spoke to content creators to find out what they do to roll on and keep making stuff. I’ve also included some of my own ideas.

Take a look at these suggestions and try them out. Experiment to find the right fit so you have a game-plan when the haters hate!

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top 5 free apps for creators
Productivity, Career Riley Smith Productivity, Career Riley Smith

top 5 free apps for creators

These are my favorite free apps that I use nearly every day! All of these are extremely helpful, dare I say, necessary, for running my creative small business and making stuff.

Some of these do have paid versions, but I only use the free versions and find them very helpful.

Also, none of these apps have paid me anything. I just like them and think you’ll like them too!

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5 Focus Tips for ADHD
Productivity Riley Smith Productivity Riley Smith

5 Focus Tips for ADHD

I have ADHD! I only figured it out late in life. Before that, I felt like such a lazy failure because I couldn’t sit down like other people and just DO the thing.

Now I have a much better understanding of my brain and how to accomplish my goals. Here are five tips, some from my therapist, some from my experimentation, that have helped me immensely.

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How to get your first freelance gig
Career Riley Smith Career Riley Smith

How to get your first freelance gig

Looking for your first freelance gig can be daunting. You may feel like you don’t know where to start, you don’t have the experience, you don’t know what to put in a cover letter…

I’m here to tell you none of that matters. You CAN get your first gig, and you will.

Here’s how you do it.

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Actor Resume Template
Acting, Career Riley Smith Acting, Career Riley Smith

Actor Resume Template

If you want to be taken seriously as an actor, you need an actor resume. This is a one-page guide to you: your previous roles, your skills, and your training. You’ll hand this resume to casting directors and potential agents.

How does a truly professional resume look? You can copy our template from Google Docs, and then we’ll walk you through filling it out in the rest of this article.

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How to feel like a “real” artist
Career Riley Smith Career Riley Smith

How to feel like a “real” artist

Words are powerful. If you’re not calling yourself a creator, you’re cutting yourself off at the knees.

But it’s not as easy as waving a magic wand and suddenly feeling “real.”

If you don’t feel ready to call yourself a real artist, here are three simple steps to getting there.

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What should you bring to an audition?
Acting Riley Smith Acting Riley Smith

What should you bring to an audition?

An audition is nerve-wracking enough without having to deal with some kind of emergency caused by forgetting an important item.

From how to deal with spills to what your auditioners will expect you to bring, this list will set you up for success!

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