5 Books for a Permanent CREATIVITY BOOST
Inspiration Riley Smith Inspiration Riley Smith

5 Books for a Permanent CREATIVITY BOOST

Do you feel your motivation has run dry? Tired of inspiration failing to visit you?

If you read these Top 5 Inspiring Books, you’ll be gifting yourself a PERMANENT, life-long creativity boost.

Grab any of the books and get started on your journey to a happier, more creative you!

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GUEST POST! Fuel Your Creativity: Tips to Boost Innovation and Achieve Success
Inspiration Riley Smith Inspiration Riley Smith

GUEST POST! Fuel Your Creativity: Tips to Boost Innovation and Achieve Success

Creativity is a powerful tool for driving both personal and professional success, yet it’s easy to feel stuck in a rut or uninspired over time. Finding ways to reinvigorate your creative energy can transform your approach and outcomes.

This article explores actionable strategies to reignite your creativity and bring fresh perspectives to every aspect of your life.

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5 books that do “book” differently
Writing, Inspiration Riley Smith Writing, Inspiration Riley Smith

5 books that do “book” differently

As a writer, I am constantly looking for inspiration to refill my creative cup. If I’m going to make good stuff, I have to be reading good stuff (or reading bad stuff that inspires me to make something better, lol).

I also like weird stuff.

I like books that break boundaries, that try new things, that do the whole idea of “book” in a way nobody’s seen before.

Here are my five favorite books that are pretty darn weird in the best way possible.

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How to make creative friends
Inspiration Riley Smith Inspiration Riley Smith

How to make creative friends

It’s incredibly difficult to make stuff without any support. We’re pack animals. If the people around you aren’t interested… you’re going to lose interest.

Make things easier on yourself (and more fun, inspiring, awesome, etc.) by cultivating your own group of creative friends.

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5 comedy books that show you how to be funny
Inspiration, Writing, Comedy Riley Smith Inspiration, Writing, Comedy Riley Smith

5 comedy books that show you how to be funny

You might not know this yet, but I’m a comedy writer. I’ve done comedy in the US and the UK. I’ve done stand-up, I’ve written sketch comedy, and I’ve done improv.

I’ve even taught both sketch and improv. I’ve been doing comedy in some capacity for over a decade.

So I’m excited to share with you today five books that are close to my heart. These are the books that taught me everything I know about comedy writing and being funny in person.

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How to curate your social media feed so it inspires your art
Inspiration Riley Smith Inspiration Riley Smith

How to curate your social media feed so it inspires your art

If you’re a creator, it can be upsetting to see your projects lag behind, while you spend plenty of time jumping between newsfeeds and For You pages.

You don’t have to beat yourself up about it… You can USE your social media time to spur your creativity.

Inspiration can come from anywhere, and today, we’re going to show you how to curate your feed to make you a more creative and fulfilled artist.

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9 Ways to Beat Writer’s Block… that you’ve never heard before
Writing, Inspiration Riley Smith Writing, Inspiration Riley Smith

9 Ways to Beat Writer’s Block… that you’ve never heard before

Hey, I get it. Writer's block is a very real thing.

Writing is everything to me, but for three years after college... I didn't write a thing. Maybe three pages total... one comedy sketch was all I wrote for three whole years of my life.

Now I write at least 50k every month. That's the equivalent of National Novel Writing Month EVERY MONTH.

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Feeling Lost? Find purpose with an Artist’s Anthem.
Inspiration Riley Smith Inspiration Riley Smith

Feeling Lost? Find purpose with an Artist’s Anthem.

What is it that drives the artists/writers/musicians/etc. you idolize to get so much shit done?

Successful people like to say it’s innate talent or 10,000 HOURS OF HARD WORK AND EFFORT AND SPIT AND GRIT AND… AND… AND… HARD WORK!

But you work hard. Or at least, you’ve given it a hell of a good shot.

So why are you not getting the results they are?

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