3 easy ways to start making money for your art

Okay, here’s the thing: if you want to make money for your art, you’re going to have to put some time in.

However, you can do it without spending 10+ hours a week or becoming a hustling, no-weekends, solopreneur, #nobreaks #bossbabe #werkit #cantstopwontstop #sleepisfortheweak #sleepquestionmark?

So if you’re like most human beings, and you don’t have time to take on another part time job, but you want to get your art into the world and into the hands of people who will appreciate it…

Here are 3 simple and easy ways to start making money for your art. I’ve listed them here in order of time commitment, biggest to smallest.

Find one gig on a job profile site like Upwork

I know, I know. This sounds like I’m sneakily pushing you towards being a #cantstopwontstop freelancer. But the great thing about “gig-based work” or freelancing in general is that YOU decide what jobs you take, and how much time you’ll dedicate to it.

Put in some time on the front end to find a client you connect with, and you’ll feel motivated to create more while also putting some money in your pocket.

How to start

The initial time investment to get set up on a site like Upwork is around 2-4 hours, including applying to your first gigs. But after that, you decide how much time you spend per week (well, you and your client).

  1. Set up your profile. For help on creating a kick-ass profile, download our guide.

  2. Apply to 30 jobs that you would actually enjoy doing. This sounds like a lot, but thanks to Upwork’s quick application process, you can do it in 1-2 hours. Just make sure to copy your responses onto another doc, so you can reuse them as needed for other jobs.

  3. Wait for an interview. If you have applied to 30 jobs that fit your skills, interest, and experience, you will almost certainly get multiple interviews. Then, out of the interviews, pick the client and project that is most exciting for you.

If you don’t get any interviews within a few weeks, do another round of applications. But my guess is, you’ll find a project that works for your schedule, pays a reasonable rate, and provides you much-needed motivation and inspiration.

If you’re struggling to land that interview, send us an email at support@makegoodcreativenetwork.com. Include a link to your profile. We’ll give you advice on how to nail your next application.

Why it’s awesome

Once you have a project, you’ll see a number of benefits to your creativity.

  • You’ll learn new skills

  • $$$ (it’s not everything, but it feels good to see people are actually willing to pay for your talents)

  • You’ll feel more motivated, thanks to the magical power of deadlines

  • Your art will be out in the world, whether you’re a writer, designer, voice actress, whatever you are, your work will now be where people can see it and enjoy

However, this does take some hustle to get started, and then you’ll have to spend around 2-5 hours at least every week on your client. If that sounds like more time than you’d like, try one of our other options below!

Take requests or commissions on social media

You don’t need a website to start taking orders for commissions. You can use whatever social media you already have, and the network you’ve already built.

How to get people to ask

Take something you’ve already done, be it a song, drawing, a poem, whatever you have, and then share it across all of your social media platforms.

Add whatever you would usually add as the caption, and then add this simple line:

“I take commissions.”

If you’d like, you can go on to clarify how much you would take for what kind of work. Here are a few examples…

  • $5 for a one-of-a-kind lighthearted poem to delight your loved ones

  • $10 for an acoustic version of your girlfriend’s favorite song

  • $25 for a drawing of your best friend in the style of his favorite comic book

Offer whatever you feel like doing, for whatever you feel like charging.

You can give example ideas of what you might provide, like those I’ve listed above, or you can simply say, “Let me know what you would like and we can discuss price.”

Not sure what you can offer? Comment below and tell us about your artistic skills and interests, and we’ll help you come up with an idea!

Why it’s awesome

If you’re brave and put your work out there, people will enjoy it. And if they know you’ll make something special for them, they WILL ask for commissions.

Maybe not the first time you post, but the second or third time, you will have takers. It won’t take a huge amount of time or marketing, but people will see your art, and you’ll get a confidence boost knowing people like your creations enough to pay for you to make more!

Does the idea of making commissions not appeal to you? Then our next suggestion will be a better fit.

Sell work you’ve already made

If you want to spend the least amount of time possible, but still make a bit of money and get your art into the hands of people who love it, then try this.

Take something you’ve already made, and offer to sell copies on social media. Make sure you add something to the package that makes it a really nice purchase for your new fans.

How to do it

For example, if you are a writer, offer a poem or piece of flash fiction handwritten in calligraphy on nice parchment.

If you’re a musician, send a mix-tape playlist of romantic songs, with your songs included.

If you’re a visual artist, offer high-quality prints shipped to their door.

Don’t feel like shipping? Send a high-quality PDF or PNG for $5, so they can print it and hang it on their wall.

Having a hard time figuring out what you could sell? Comment below and tell us a bit about what you make. We’ll help you come up with a simple, creative idea your social network will love!

Why it’s awesome

Any of these options will take a bit of time, but you’ll be putting your art into the hands of people who love it, and growing a fan-base, with minimal time and effort.

Ready to make more money for your art?

If you’re looking to start making your creative work a bigger part of your life (and income), we’re ready to help.

Our “Top 9 Ways for Creatives to Make Money Online” guide will take you through all the best options for creative income streams, as well as give you tips on how to start strong.

PLUS you’ll get a helpful cover letter template and example job profile.

Stop struggling. Start making money for your art.

Click below to download now.


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